Jerry Yan Fan Meet in Manila 2004

My first time to see Jerry Yan at NBC Tent for Bench endorsement. I ask my brother Azrael to cover the event. His first experience in vlogging! I'll write a blog post about this memorable-chaotic-unforgettable experience!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jerry Yan : I was cold previously as I didn’t know how to express myself ~ Sina News 25th July 2009

25/7 羊城晚報 言承旭:过去我冷,是因为不懂得表达。
Jerry Yan : I was cold previously as I didn’t know how to express myself ~ Sina News 25th July 2009

谁在走红?Who is popular now?
本报记者:肖执缨 实习生:陈云燕
Reporter : Xiao Zhi Ying Intern: Chen Yun Yan

Though dashing in appearance with hordes of adoring fans trailing him everywhere, Jerry Yan has been tagged ‘bad-tempered’ since he entered the Entertainment Line. From the beginning of ‘Meteor Garden’, hearsay and reports on him have been about his mercurial temperament. His change of 8 managers within 3 years is proof. He even has the nickname ‘Biosterous Dragon’.

喜欢他的人称他为“小白兔”,那不仅仅是因为言承旭的牙齿很白,门牙像小白兔,更重要的是,粉丝们试图以这个可爱的外号对抗“暴龙”那个不可爱的绰号。但 言承旭自己怎么看?他快乐吗?……日前,随电视剧《就想爱着你》转场杭州的言承旭静静地坐在了《羊城晚报》记者面前,细说自己的心路历程。他坦言,现在的 他改变了很多,“ELLA给了我很大的影响”。
He is called ‘Little White Bunny’ by those who like him. His pristine teeth makes him look like a little bunny when he smiles. More importantly, fans have tried to pit this adorable nickname against the other unfavourable one. But how does he view this? Is he happy? . . . . . . At present, Jerry Yan is sitting quietly before our Sina News reporter. He is in Hang Zhou for the location shoot of ‘Just Wanting to Love You’. He spoke at length about his feelings and frankly admitted that he has changed a lot due to the ‘influence of Ella’.

【说ELLA】About Ella

‘She is willing to give of her love and concern to others and to me, I could feel her warmth as we got along.’

{‘Just Wanting to Love You’ is a Taiwan-China collaboration and will be shot at Taipei and Hang Zhou. Jerry Yan and Ella of S.H.E are acting together for the first time. Acting as a lawyer and a former rich girl in a love story of knocks and stumbles. To Jerry Yan, it seems like a chance of him to change.}

Sina News : How does it feel acting with Ella?

言承旭:我其实还满期待的吖!因为以前常听到很多人会聊到她,所以对她不算陌生。我刚才在发布会上说,看她穿得这么性感我会害羞,这是真的。因为她平常太 不爱表现自己的优点,所以大家会觉得她很男孩子气,其实她是可以的———可以让人觉得不仅人长得很端庄,而且很性感、很漂亮。我觉得她应该多多把这个放 大,相信会有更多的人喜欢她(笑)。
Jerry Yan : I was really looking forward to it! She doesn’t seem unfamiliar as I’ve heard a lot about her from others. I was just saying at the Press Conference that I really felt shy as she was dressed so sexily. Normally she doesn’t really show off her own good points so everyone feels that she is very boyish in personality. In fact, she could be very elegant, looking so sexy and beautiful. I feel that she should emphasize this and I believe more people will like her. (laugh)

Sina News : Any unforgettable incidents since the both of you have worked together for over 2 months?

言承旭:难忘的事情很多。比方说,前几天我们在拍跳舞的戏,她非常真诚地看着我,然后告诉我说:如果你有需要的话,我会讲很多鼓舞人心的话。我觉得每一个 人都有自己的压力,但是她却很愿意为人家付出爱和关心。对我来说,这种相处的感觉很温暖,包括我们私底下玩,比如说有一天天气很热,她跑过来闹我,然后我 就把她举起来转了几圈,一直转到把她放下后她没办法站稳……
Jerry Yan : There are many unforgettable incidents. Like we were doing a dance scene several days ago, she looked at me very earnestly and said,‘If you need me to, I can say many encouraging words to you.’ I feel that everyone has their own pressures yet she is so willing to show love and concern to others. To me, I could feel her warmth. Privately, we always have fun. Like when the weather gets very hot, she would come over and tease me. Then I would lift her up and swing her for a few rounds till she couldn’t stand up straight. . . . . .

Sina News : Have you met other actors who are like Ella before?

Jerry Yan : Just like what Ella said, I tend to protect myself before. So the female actresses that I’ve collaborated before might feel that I’m very cool and distant. But she dares to kick me and play around with me . . . . . . I’m not angry and feel that since she is a very cute little girl, I’ll just play with her! In this show, everyone will see the ‘chemistry’ that Ella and I have.

Sina News : According to Ella, she the first female actress that you wanted to celebrate her birthday with?

Jerry Yan : Actually I was quite upset that day. I had planned a surprise for her but something happened those 2 days and my mood was affected a little.

Sina News : Hang Zhou is so beautiful and romantic, have the both of you planned to do anything together?

Jerry Yan : Yes, I was telling her that if we have a chance, we should sail on a boat and enjoy the scenery. That will be wonderful! The important thing - if she is willing, is she can talk to me about any unhappy incidents. I feel that she is like family to me. It shouldn’t be that she is the one that is always showing concern to others. I believe anyone who is like her, also needs strength from others as well.

~ To Be Continued ~
credits to

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